Supported environments ====================== Supported Python interpreters ----------------------------- Only CPython is supported. Supported Python versions ------------------------- Every Python version that hasn't reached end of life is supported. Currently that's Python 3.7 through 3.12. Supported operating systems --------------------------- You will have the best Memray experience on Linux. We also support macOS 11 or newer. We cannot support older macOS versions, as they don't provide a C++17 compatible runtime. Although all features work on macOS, the way that macOS applications and Python libraries are typically distributed often results in subpar native stacks on Mac. See :ref:`the native mode documentation ` for details on these shortcomings. We are unlikely to ever support Windows. While the basic technique that Memray uses to detect memory allocations is possible on Windows, much of the library would need to be rewritten to support non-POSIX platforms, and none of the current maintainers have the expertise to do so. We do test in WSL, however. Supported CPU architectures --------------------------- For Linux, we test on ``i686``, ``x86-64``, and ``aarch64``. Pre-built wheels are only available on PyPI for ``i686`` and ``x86-64``, though. That is unlikely to change until cibuildwheel_ provides `non-emulated aarch64 support`_. For macOS, we test on ``x86-64`` and ``arm64`` - so, both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs. Pre-built wheels are available for both architectures, though only for Python 3.8 and newer. Supported runtime environments ------------------------------ We require a C++17 runtime. As noted above, macOS 11 or higher is required for a C++17 runtime on Mac. On Linux we support glibc and musl libc. Other libc's have not been tested, and issues are likely. For Python 3.10 and earlier we support platforms compatible with the ``manylinux2010`` specification, and for Python 3.11 onward we require ``manylinux2014`` compatibility. Known issues and limitations ---------------------------- * Native stack traces on macOS are often difficult to read, and may be missing function calls. See :ref:`the native mode documentation `. * We support :ref:`tracking across forks `, but can't track across an ``exec``, so if the tracked child process calls `an os.exec function`_, even to start a new Python interpreter, we will not be able to report the allocations performed in the new process. Notably, the default `multiprocessing start method`_ on macOS is "spawn", which leverages ``exec``. * Cython_ functions will not be included in the Python stacks we report, even if the Cython module is built with profiling_ support. You'll need to use :ref:`native tracking` to see what's happening inside Cython modules. * We have experimental support for the ``greenlet`` library, which may lead to incorrect stacks being reported if :doc:`the Memray API ` is used to start tracking in one thread while another thread is already making use of the Greenlet library. .. _cibuildwheel: .. _non-emulated aarch64 support: .. _an os.exec function: .. _multiprocessing start method: .. _Cython: .. _profiling: